The most compatible apps with Formuler devices are located in Home Market for users to download and enjoy. Home Market : Go to Home > Market We cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with 3rd party apps. 📝Applicable models: ✅ All models In case the D-Pad(Directional Pad) / Direction button on remote is not properl…
IF you do not see Quick Settings group and can't find "Software Update" app in Home screen, the Quick Settings row might be hidden by user configuration. 📝Applicable models: ✅ Z8   ✅ Zalpha  ✅ Z+Neo 💡 How to hide/unhide Quick Setting group? * Go to Home > Launcher Settings > Parental Settings > Enter …
You can use "Smart Youtube TV" on Formuler devices to watch Youtube in case normal one doesn't work. 📝Applicable models: ✅ Znano Please follow the steps below to install and run the " Smart Youtube TV " app. * Press the ' + ' symbol to access the mini market * Install " Crosswalk Service " * Install "Smart …
👉 Please follow the steps below to uninstall or remove apps 📝Applicable models : ✅GTV  ✅Z10 Series ✅Z8 Series ✅CC  ✅Z+ Neo ✅Z Alpha * Home > Settings > Apps * Select the app you want to remove * Select the "Uninstall" button 📝Applicable models : ✅Z7+ 5G ✅Z7+ ✅Zx 5G ✅Zx  ✅Z+  ✅Z Prime  ✅Z  ✅Z Nano * Home …
When you want to shutdown all background apps, you can simply use shortcut keys below. 📝Applicable models: ✅ All models * Please note that closing background apps would not save much of your data and memory. * Normally used apps are running background to help you switch things in and out quickly for smooth per…
Z nano is the most compact model among our devices, which is designed mainly for Mytvonline. 📝Applicable models: ✅ Znano H owever, still there are some necessary apps available in mini home market. Except for those, other 3rd party apps can't be installed; * For the best performance of Mytvonline. * To …
P lease follow the steps below to move apps to the desired position on home screen. 💡 HOW TO 📝Applicable models : ✅Z8   ✅ZAlpha  ✅Z+Neo * Find the app you want to move on home screen, and long-press on its icon * Move the app to its new position, then the other icons will move to make room for it * After …
Please check out the quick guide for background customizations (model dependent) 📝Applicable models: ✅Z11 Series ✅Z10 Series 👉 How to change background images on the launcher background Recommended size: 1920x1080 500KB * Get the image you'd like to use as wallpaper * Save the image on a USB or network-sha…
Please find below Tip for easy installation of MULTIPLE APK FILES . 📝Applicable models : ✅ All models except for Znano * Download APK file(s) to your computer. * Insert your USB drive to PC and create a folder named “APKS” . ( Case NOT sensitive ) * Copy APK file(s) and paste the file(s) into the folder. …
Please check out quick guide for customization of your launcher home screen. 💡 HOW TO 📝Applicable models : ✅Z11 Series ✅Z10 Series ✅Z8 Series 💬 NOTE * The default PIN should be '0000' , if you have not changed the PIN. ⚡ Go to Home > Launcher Settings to; * Organize app groups App Groups > default A / def…